Polyester, Oil-Free Alkyds and Acrylics | Synray Alkyd Resins, Polyesters and Chemical Specialties

Polyester, Oil-Free Alkyds and Acrylics

Note: The products listed on the following pages are our most common items and are provided as an example of our capabilities. We can custom manufacture virtually any paint and coatings vehicles in any quantity from single drum to bulk tank wagon.

Polyester, Oil-Free Alkyds and Acrylics

High-Solids Polyester – Bake & Urethane

Product Solids Solvent Visc OH # Applications
5150-70 70 PMA Z-Z2 150 Gloss & semi-gloss 2-component aircraft finishes
5200-100 100 Z4-Z5 275 Industrial bake enamels
5255-70 70 NBA Z1-Z3 130 Thermosetting enamels and adhesion promoter
5258-75 75 NBA Z-Z2 80 Adhesion promoter for coatings and adhesives
5265-65 65 PMA Z1-Z3 265 Gloss & semi-gloss 2-component aircraft finishes
5265-75 75 MPK Z3-Z5 265 Gloss & semi-gloss 2-component aircraft finishes
Product Solids Solvent Visc OH # Applications
5310-75 75 BE/MAK Z6-Z7 140 Thermosetting acrylic resin with excellent low-temp cure
5315-50 50 PMA P – U Pigment Grinding / Dispersing Agent
5317-70 . . 70 IPA/BE Z4-Z6+ 55 Pigment Grinding / Dispersing Resin. Melamine crosslinkable in both solvent and water systems.
5348-45 45 Tol Z2-Z5 Air-dry, ecomonical thermoset resin with good alkyd compatibility
5366-50 50 Tol W-Z Air-dry, ecomonical thermoset resin with good alkyd compatibility



A100 Aromatic 100 naphtha   Lin Linseed Oil   PP Propoxy Propanol
BE Butoxy Ethanol   MAK Methyl Amyl Ketone   Soya Soybean Oil
CFA Conjugated Fatty Acids   MDO Mixed Drying Oils   s-But Sec-Butanol
Coco Coconut Oil   MIBK Methyl IsoButyl Ketone   SF Safflower Oil
CoFA Coconut Fatty Acids   MPK Methyl Propyl Ketone   S-Ox Semi-Oxidizing
FA Fatty Acids   PMA PM Acetate   TBA T-Butyl Acetate
DCO Dehydrated Castor Oil   MS Mineral Spirits   Tol Toluene
EEP Ethyl 3-Ethoxy Propionate   NBA N-Butyl Acetate   TOFA Tall Oil Fatty Acids
EGA Ethylene Glycol Acetate   n-But n-Butanol   VMP VM&P Naphtha
Ex Bn Exempt solvent blend   OMS Odorless Mineral Spirits   Xyl Xylene