Conventional Alkyds | alkyd resins, acrylics, and chemical specialties

Conventional Alkyds

Note: The products listed on the following pages are our most common items and are provided as an example of our capabilities. We can custom manufacture virtually any paint and coatings vehicles in any quantity from single drum to bulk tank wagon.

Conventional Alkyds

Long Oil Alkyds

Product Solids Solvent Visc Oil Applications
1180-100 98 X-Z2 Soya Modifier for exterior latex and oil-base house paints
1182-100 98 X-Z2 Lin Modifier for exterior latex and oil-base house paints
2365-60 60 MS U-X Soya High quality architectural enamels
2365-70 70 MS Z1-Z3 Soya High quality architectural enamels, TT-R-266 Type 1, Class A

Medium Oil Alkyds

Product Solids Solvent Visc Oil Applications
3153-50 50 MS U-Z Soya/Lin Exteriors primers, enamels & machinery finishesConforms toTT-R-226 Type III
3155-50 50 MS U-Z Soya Industrial finishes. Conforms toTT-R-226 Type IV
3548-50 50 VMP Z1-Z3 Soya Traffic paints and farm implement finishes
3746-50 50 MS Z4-Z6 Soya High-drink resin for fast set, low cost paints & primers

Short Oil Alkyds

Product Solids Solvent Visc Oil Applications
3032-50E 50 Ex Bn X-Z TOFA Fast-dry enamels that exhibit good color & gloss retention & excellent exterior durability
3032-50X 50 Xyl Y-Z1 TOFA Fast-dry enamels that exhibit good color & gloss retention & excellent exterior durability
3033-50X 50 Xyl Z3-Z5 TOFA Fast dry enamels that exhibit good color & gloss retention & excellent exterior durability
4747-60 60 MS U-W SF Interior fire retardant paints conforming to MIL-E-24607Conforms to requirements of DOD-R-21417